Recent Developments in Numerical Methods for Seismic Inverse Problems & Applications
07/16/2013 - 07/18/2013
The past decades have witnessed a steady increase of worldwide crude oil demand, which, in return resulted in new developments in hydrocarbon exploration and geophysical inversion methods. However a variety of issues in seismic inversion still remain unsolved, especially in the computational aspect. Seismic inversion, which actually is an inverse problem, has been widely used by both applied mathematician and geophysicist to recover the mechanical description of the earth’s interior properties. However it is rarely possible to solve such inverse problem analytically, hence numerical methods are the primary choices. The purpose of this conference is to gather researchers and engineers working in seismic imaging, seismic inversion, inverse problem, seismic wave propagation analysis, seismic data processing, numerical analysis and scientific computing and applied mathematics to discuss and exchange ideas on the recent new developments on numerical methods for sovling the inverse problem of seismic wave equations. Application cases of those new methods to oil/gas industry are particularly welcomed. Travel support for junior researcher (graduate student/Postdoctral fellow) who presents a talk is available. Please indicate your interest in applying for travel support when submit your abstract.
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