Special Sessions
Sessions NG32A (oral).& NG41A (poster): Maths of Planet Earth: Synergies, Big Data, Inverse Methods and Scaling I
Meeting: AGU Fall Meeting 2013
Organized By: Daniel Schertzer for AGU Focus Group on Nonlinear Geophysics (NG)
http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/announcements/single/scientific-program/San Francisco, Moscone South, room 300 for Wednesday and Hall A-C for Thursday. 8:00 am -- 12:20 pm both days12/11/2013 - 12/12/2013
Synergies between geophysics and mathematics can be traced back to classical Antiquity. More recently, AGU members elaborated concepts such as determinstic chaos, intrinsinc impredictaiblity, strange attractors, fractals and multifractals, statistical theories and turbulence, self-organized-crtiicality as well myriads of methodologies for observations and data processing, models and simulation tools, which enriched both mathematics and geophysics. The AGU Nonlinear Geophysics Focus Group intends to thrive these synergies and is therefore proud to contribute to the worldwide initiative “Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013” supported by more than 130 academic institutions and scholarly societies, NSF, UNESCO, ICSU and others. This session will highlight and explore fundamental, challenging questions of our planet and how to better develop synergies between mathematics and geophysics.