DELTA Conference 2013
Organized By: Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute Pavilion, Kiama, New South Wales, Australia11/24/13 - 11/29/13
Lighthouse DELTA 2013 builds on the knowledge and collegial networks established in previous Delta conferences, a series of biennial southern hemisphere symposia that began in Brisbane in 1997. Delta attracts a wide international audience of mathematicians, educators and researchers committed to improving undergraduate mathematics and statistics education.
The 2013 conference will be held at the Pavilion, in the coastal town Kiama, in New South Wales, Australia. The conference theme, Shining through the fog encapsulates the challenges faced by those with responsibilities for building the mathematics and statistics capacity needed for the 21st century.
We are pleased to confirm an outstanding team of keynote speakers who will provide a stimulating experience to all participants:
- Sandra Laursen, Co-Director and Research Associate in the Ethnography & Evaluation Research (E&ER) center at University of Colorado
- Marcelo Borba, Professor of Mathematics at State University of Sao Paulo
- John Rice, Professor of Mathematics and Executive Director of the Australian Council of Deans of Science
- Merrilyn Goos, Professor of Education at The University of Queensland
This will be a conference not to be missed! It is time for you to start planning for your presentation.
Important dates:
March 25: Final date for submission for full refereed papers in the special edition of iJMEST
August 21: Final date for submission of full papers for the Conference Proceedings
August 31: Final date for submission of abstracts for posters and for abstract-only presentations