3rd International Conference on Dynamics, Games and Science
Organized By: Centro International de Matemática and University of Porto of the University of Porto02/17/14 - 02/21/14
The 3rd International Conference Dynamics Games and Science 2014 – DGS
III 2014, aims to bring together world top researchers and
practitioners from the fields of Dynamical Systems, Game Theory and
its applications to such areas as Biology, Economics and Social
DGSIII represents an opportunity for MSc and PhD students and
researchers to meet other specialists in their fields of knowledge and
to discuss and develop new frameworks and ideas to further improve
knowledge and science.
The conference will feature prominent keynote speakers in the main
room, with several thematic sessions running in parallel, which may
deviate from the main theme. The last edition took place in Lisbon of
last year (August, 28 – September, 6, 2013), and counted with 18
keynote speakers, and 27 thematic sessions for a total of 117 thematic
speakers. (
If you would like to present research you are working on, please apply at: