General Events
1 Jour, 1 Breve
French research institutes (Cnrs, Inria), mathematical societies (SMF, SMAI, SFDS) and Cap’Math foster MPE2013
and open a new blog specifically devoted to this event:
The French blog aims at publishing one text a day (except on week-ends) in connection to the themes of
“Mathematics for the Planet Earth”.
It will be very short notices, say half a page (in principle in French), without any technical details,
which are intended to be read by a broad audience (that may include
pre-university students).
The goal is two-fold: on the one hand, we wish to explain
how mathematics
can bring some useful information
and, on the other hand how the mathematical activity is supplied
by new problems, new questions raised by the surrounding world.
Publishing one text a day is a kind of great challenge.
We need contributors! We need… YOU!
Feel free to submit contributions to
according as far as possible to the available template on the website