As part of the workshop cluster on Sustainable Human Environments, a preworkshop on urban planning for climate events such as storms, heat events, and floods will be sponsored by DIMACS/CCICADA as part of the Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+ (MPE2013+) program. The workshop will look at algorithmic tools to make better decisions about adaptation and mitigation for climate events.
Participants will look at ways to understand a great deal of data that might be relevant to adaptation planning for sea level rise; flight delays, beach erosion, ferry service interruptions, salt water intrusion, water treatment plant operations, power plant location, subway and train track location, and emergency services preparedness. Participants will also consider planning for modifications in the energy, transportation, water supply, waste, and communication sectors. Changes in one sector potentially impact other sectors and so call for mathematical modeling and algorithmic analysis. Algorithmic tools for evaluating, comparing, and making decisions about adaptation and mitigation strategies will also be studied.
More information on this workshop can be found here and information on the MPE 2013+ program can be found here. Funding is available for early career researchers to participate in the program. Early career researchers are defined as graduate students, postdocs, and faculty/researchers at the beginning of their careers. For more information on the program and financial support, please contact Eugene Fiorini at