The Next Generation Science Standards have just been released. These standards recommend the teaching of science via hands-on approaches with a focus on the scientific process rather than memorizing factoids. They propose that climate change be an integral part of science education starting already in middle school. One can imagine great synergistic opportunities between the mathematics of sustainability and these new science standards. Here is an article from The New York Times discussing the new standards. Print versions of the report can be ordered here.
Thank you so much for your write up on the NGSS. Just wanted to let you know that in addition to the link on your site linking to the Framework page, we have a whole site dedicated to more information on the NGSS, and where to buy. If you could please visit If you could please link this site to your post, that would be much appreciated. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thanks so much!
Julie Urban
National Academy of Sciences
Marketing Specialist