A workshop is taking place this week at the American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) in Palo Alto, California, on “Stochastics in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Mathematical foundations and physical underpinnings.”
This workshop is co-organized by Nathan Glatt-Holtz (Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications, IMA, University of Minnesota, on leave from Virginia Tech), Boris Rozovskii (Brown University), Roger Temam (Indiana University) and Joseph Tribbia (National Center of Atmospheric and Oceanic Research, NCAR). The workshop brings together 30 researchers from the geophysical fluid mechanics, partial differential equations, and probability communities. Two formal lectures are given in the mornings, open discussion sections take place in the afternoons.
On Monday, the opening day of the workshop, Joseph Tribbia gave the first lecture on the use of stochastics to represent uncertainties in data and models. In the second lecture, Mohammed Ziane described the current state of the mathematical theory of the deterministic Primitive Equations of the atmosphere/ocean system, which play a central role in many General Circulation Models. The afternoon was devoted to a lively discussion in which members of each of the three communities represented at the workshop had the opportunity to ask questions, explanations and clarifications of members of the other communities and make suggestions for future interactions and collaborations.
Nathan Glatt-Holtz, Boris Rozovskii, Roger Temam Joe Tribbia